Training Courses (Board Approved)

All Board approved hours are acceptable for NCASPPB credentials and re-credentialing requirements

Guide to Abbreviations

S or SS = Substance Abuse Specific Training

G or GSB = General Skill Building Training

C = Combination of Substance Abuse Specific and General Skill Building

CSS = Clinical Supervision Specific Training

ETHICS = Ethics

EBT = Evidence-Based Treatment

HIV = HIV/AIDS/STD/TB/Bloodborne Pathogens

ND = Nicotine Dependence Training

PSY = Psychopathology Training

DV = Substance Use Disorder and Domestic Violence

SUDE (formerly SAOA) = Substance Use Disorder and the Elderly

SUDV (formerly SAV) = Substance Use Disorder and Veterans

In addition to our Board approved courses, we will also accept any courses that are approved by other IC&RC member boards as well as our deemed status partners such as NAADAC, NBCC, etc. 

Approval of these training hours is for credentialing purposes only. Some trainings may educate students in treatment methodology that is considered outside of the mainstream practice of care; however the Board encourages all substance use disorder treatment professionals to be well-informed practitioners and open-minded to the wide array of methods in the ever-evolving healthcare profession. As examples, some trainings may have religious or alternative medicine content that does not mean direct Board-endorsement of these as clinical treatment practices.

Entering Courses into Your Application

For step by step instructions on how to enter competed courses into the Credentialing Training Record section of your application, click here:

How to Enter Training Courses into LearningBuilder